If you need to hire a company specializing in construction drilling services, you have come to the right place. At Hardrock Drilling, we will share everything you need to know about Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). Based in Indiana, USA, we travel throughout the continental USA. Keep reading to learn more.
What is Horizontal Directional Drilling?

Horizontal Directional Drilling is a trenchless technology used to install utilities such as cables, conduits, and pipelines below the ground. This method allows for drilling under roads, rivers, and structures without extensive excavation. The process involves drilling a borehole horizontally, following a specific path using a drilling rig and other necessary equipment.
HDD is a versatile and efficient technique that minimizes surface disruption, reducing the impact on surrounding areas and lowering overall project expenses. It has become a popular method for underground construction across various industries.
This technique employs specialized drilling equipment to create a horizontal hole beneath the ground, preventing disturbances in nearby areas. The drilling begins at a launch pit, and a drill string, guided underground by experienced operators, is used to create the hole.
A drill string consists of a drill bit and drill rods that connect the bit to the drilling rig. A drilling fluid system moves the drill bit underground. As the drill bit advances, it creates a pilot hole, which can be widened to the desired size using different reaming tools. Once the hole is complete, a pipe or conduit is pulled through it using specialized pulling equipment.
Many construction companies prefer using HDD for underground construction because it reduces the impact on the ground surface and surrounding areas. This method helps prevent large-scale excavation and minimizes the risk of damage to existing buildings, roads, and utilities. HDD is widely used in industries such as oil and gas, telecommunications, electricity, water supply, sewer, and wastewater.
For more information or to hire our services, contact Hardrock Drilling. We look forward to assisting you with your drilling needs.
Benefits of Horizontal Directional Drilling

1. Minimal Surface Disruption: This method reduces surface disturbance and avoids the need for extensive excavation. It helps prevent the destruction of roads, buildings, and other structures during the installation of underground infrastructure. As a result, traffic disruption, noise pollution, and other effects of traditional drilling methods are minimized.
2. Environmental Benefits: Horizontal directional drilling prevents the removal of topsoil or wetlands, reducing the ecological impact of the construction process. It also lowers the risk of contamination from pollutants that can occur during traditional excavation.
3. Reduced Costs: This cost-effective method uses less equipment and manpower compared to traditional construction methods. It helps reduce labor costs, material usage, and project completion time. Additionally, HDD can prevent road closures and detours, saving cities and businesses significant money during construction.
4. Enhanced Safety: HDD reduces the safety risks, such as accidents and injuries, associated with traditional excavation methods. Since the drilling is done horizontally, the construction team is not exposed to the dangers of working in open trenches or large excavations.
5. Flexibility: Horizontal directional drilling is a flexible underground construction process suitable for various applications. It can be used to install utility systems such as water, electricity, gas pipelines, telecommunications, sewer, and wastewater systems.
Directional Drilling: A Three-Stage Process

1. Pilot Hole
The first stage of directional drilling focuses on drilling a small diameter pilot hole. During this stage, drilling fluid is pumped through the drill pipe to the drill bit.
High-pressure jets and drill bits grind the soil in front of the drill stem, and the drilling fluid carries the cuttings back to the entrance pit at the drill rig. The pilot hole is tracked based on the project’s size and complexity.
Small shots use a walkover guidance system, while larger shots require a wireline magnetic system. Both methods involve a transmitter or a steering tool installed near the drill head that sends signals to the location engineer, providing the exact coordinates of the drill stem. Readings are regularly recorded to monitor the depth, proper alignment, and slope of the drill head.
2. Pre-Reaming
The second stage of directional drilling is pre-reaming, which enlarges the pilot hole to accommodate the necessary line size.
A reamer is pulled and rotated while drilling fluid is pumped to cut and remove debris, making the hole bigger. The speed of this process varies according to the existing soil conditions and the amount of cuttings.
Bentonite and other additives are used to keep the hole clean and stable. Bentonite creates a cake layer around the outside of the hole during pre-reaming, helping to stabilize the borehole and prevent fluid loss or infiltration. Polymers are utilized to break up clay soils. An even mixture of drilling fluid is maintained to prevent blockages inside the borehole.
3. Pipe Pullback
The third and final step of directional drilling involves pulling the pipe into the pre-reamed hole. The reamer and drill rod are connected to a swivel between the product line and reamer to avoid torsional stress from the rotating drill string being transferred to the product pipe.
As the product pipe is pulled into the drill hole, drilling fluid is pumped into the hole to serve as a lubricant for the product pipe.
What is the Impact of Horizontal Directional Drilling on the Environment?

Horizontal directional drilling is an environmentally friendly process recommended for construction projects aiming to minimize their ecological impact.
This method has a minimal effect on the ground, making it ideal for locations where traditional excavation methods are not allowed. It also reduces energy usage compared to traditional drilling processes.
Need Help with Construction Drilling?
Choose Hardrock Drilling for your construction drilling needs. Founded in 2017 by Charlie Deutscher and Joe Martin, we have over 50 years of combined experience in the drilling industry.
Based in Indiana, USA, we can travel throughout the continental USA. If you want to hire our drilling services or have any questions, please contact us! Call us at 219.204.2653 or email us at info@hardrockdrillingllc.com. What are you waiting for? Contact us today!